3 - 4 DEC 2020
The Virtual E-Cigarette Summit, 3-4 December 2020
Science, Regulation and Public Health
We are excited to announce that this year’s London E-Cigarette Summit, is moving online. The Virtual E-Cigarette Summit will take place between 3-4 December 2020.
2020 has been an incredibly challenging year for us all, and while it isn’t possible to welcome you in person, we hope that the virtual event will provide a welcoming focal point to grapple with the challenging public health questions that continue to be posed by e-cigarettes and new novel nicotine products.
For decades the known harm from smoking and combustible products have aligned public health and tobacco control colleagues against a known “enemy”. The emergence of less harmful alternatives has resulted in a vigorous debate that continues to divide scientist, health professionals and policy makers alike. The E-Cigarette Summit has a single aim of facilitating respectful dialogue and thoughtful analysis of the latest research and to discuss how the evidence should be interpreted to deliver the most effective health strategies to reduce smoking related death and disease. Although Covid, Brexit and the US Presidential Election dominate our news media, there is a considerable amount of change happening in the public health, policy and regulatory environments related to tobacco, e-cigarettes and harm reduction.
Registration will open next week.
If you are not already on our mailing list and would like to be notified when registration is live – please add your email address here.
The Virtual E-Cigarette Summit 2020 will provide an inclusive platform to explore the latest research and scientific evidence and discuss the following issues:
- The review of the European Tobacco Products Directive and the recent SCHEER Report – Science and Evidence
- What will the UK’s departure from the EU mean for the THR dialogue in Europe
- What are the likely impacts of the PMTA process in the US – Regulatory normalization and a strengthened sector or a tool for further prohibitive steps.
- Divergence of different country approaches to THR and reduced risk products.
- Will the recent reports by the Committee on Toxicology and The Cochrane review on e-cigarettes and cessation influence the international conversations
The following speakers are confirmed, additional speakers are still being added
- Prof Alan Boobis, OBE, Emeritus Professor of Toxicology, Imperial College London & Chair, Committee on Toxicity
- Tom Sheldon, Senior Press Manager, Science Media Centre
- Prof Jacob George, Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine and Therapeutics, University of Dundee
- Jamie Hartmann-Boyce, Senior Researcher, Health Behaviours & Managing Editor, Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group
- Dr Sanjay Agrawal, Chair of the Tobacco Special Advisory Group, RCP & Consultant Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, University Hospital of Leicester NHS Trust
- Prof Ann McNeill, Professor of Tobacco Addiction, UK Centre for Tobacco & Alcohol Studies, Kings College London
- Dr Karl E. Lund, Senior Researcher, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
- Karl Fagerstrom, Professor Emeritus & President, Fagerstrom Consulting
- Prof Linda Bauld, Bruce and John Usher Professor of Public Health, University of Edinburgh and UK Centre for Tobacco & Alcohol Studies
- Deborah Arnott, Chief Executive, Action on Smoking and Health
- Clive Bates, Director, Counterfactual Consulting Ltd
- Martin Dockrell, Tobacco Control Lead, Public Health England
- Tim Phillips, Managing Director, ECigIntelligence
- Louise Ross, Vice Chair, NNA & Clinical Consultant National Centre for Smoking Cessation & Training
- Prof Robert West, Professor of Health Psychology & Director of Tobacco Studies
- Prof Ken Warner, Professor Emeritus of Health Management and Policy, Dean Emeritus of Public Health, School of Public Health, University of Michigan
- Prof Thomas J. Glynn, PhD, Consulting Professor, Stanford Prevention Research Center
- Prof Steven A. Schroeder, Distinguished Professor of Health and Healthcare, University of California & Director, Smoking Cessation Leadership Center
- Prof Amy Fairchild, Dean & Professor, College of Public Health, The Ohio State University (to be confirmed)
In particular, this event will be relevant to:
- Regulators and policy advisors
- Scientific/research community
- Smoking cessation practitioners/services
- Health charities and health campaigners
- Public health professionals and academics
- Medical professionals
- Industry stakeholders
The Summit independently provides hosted places for vapers and individuals without funding to attend, but are important stakeholders in the harm reduction debate . These places are discretionary and are considered on a case by case basis. If you would like to find out more please contact us by email at