Creating a smoke free NHS: A practical guide for NHS Trusts
Time: 11:05 am - 11:25 am
Date: 5th March 2025
This presentation aims to introduce a comprehensive guidance document designed to support NHS Trusts to create and manage smoke-free environments and workforces. Aligning to our Greater Manchester strategic vision, our opportunity to Make Smoking History and with a set of guiding principles underpinned by behavioural science, the guide provides tools and strategies to support consistent implementation across all… Read more »
SCAH 2025This presentation aims to introduce a comprehensive guidance document designed to support NHS Trusts to create and manage smoke-free environments and workforces. Aligning to our Greater Manchester strategic vision, our opportunity to Make Smoking History and with a set of guiding principles underpinned by behavioural science, the guide provides tools and strategies to support consistent implementation across all Trusts.
- Joanna Feeney Stop Smoking System Strategic Manager - Fresh & Balance
- Mandy Hancock Programme Manager Treating Tobacco Dependency - NHS Greater Manchester
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