Faye Ballard
Smoking in Pregnancy Liaison Midwife
University Hospital Dorset
Having qualified with an Advanced Diploma in Midwifery in 2001 from Bournemouth University, Faye also has over 23 years’ experience working in the NHS, more recently specialising in tobacco control in Dorset. Faye has been working as a Specialist smoking in pregnancy Midwife since 2019 and has proactively been the Smoke free Pregnancy Champion for the National Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group and is part of the Wessex Maternity and Neonatal Learning System for the Wessex Patient Safety Collaborative supporting smoke free pregnancies.
Faye was the lead research Midwife for the Smoking in Pregnancy Incentive Research Trial at Poole Hospital (University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust) and is part of the Bournemouth University Research COMPAQS team: CO Monitoring Pregnancy Aid to Quit Smoking. Faye is also heavily involved in the Poole significant other pilot, aiding anyone who lives with a pregnant smoker to quit along side them. Since mid-2020 Faye has been an active branch activist for the Royal College of Midwives, having been appointed to the role of treasurer.
Speaker in
- Smokefree pregnancy and the Dorset model; supporting the pregnant smoker’s significant other to quit smoking as part of a holistic approach
16th June 2021 am2 11:20 am Track 3 - Panel: What’s Cooking in the SCAH kitchen?
16th June 2021 am2 12:20 pm Track 3
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