Katerina Manginas

Tobacco Dependence Specialist in Mental health
West London NHS
Katerina is a tobacco dependence specialist in mental health for West London NHS Trust. She joined in 2019 whilst finishing her BSc (Hons) Psychology degree from the University of Brighton. Since then, she has become responsible for 18 inpatient forensic wards, has led in several projects related to establish a clear smokefree pathway and supported the healthy weight management of service users. In the past year, she has also undertaken training to become a quality improvement practitioner and coach from NHS improvement. During this time, she has also been completing her MSc in Health Psychology at the University of Surrey.
Speaker in
- Rapid Fire Oral – inviting presentations of what services have achieved across the UK to bridge the covid gap within smoking cessation
16th June 2021 PM 1:55 pm General
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