Liam Humberstone

Technical Director
Totally Wicked
Liam is a technologist, engineer and scientist committed to the ongoing development of the e-cigarette, e-liquids and vaping in the interest of providing a continuously improving alternative to combustible tobacco. He was steering group member for one of the first recognised standards concerning e-cigarettes, BSI PAS 54115:2015. Since then he has been active in European Standards development through CEN TC 437, including the publication of the first European standards publication on e-cigarette devices, CEN TS 17287:2019. In his role at Totally Wicked he has been involved in the design, development and manufacture of vaping devices since 2011, and in e-liquid development since 2012. In his role at IBVTA he has been directly involved in dialogue with governments, regulators and enforcement agencies since 2014. A vaper of over 9 years, and ex-smoker for the same period, his background is in race car engine development, engineering design, academic research and university lecturing.
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