Support provided by stop smoking practitioners to co-users of tobacco and cannabis: a mixed methods study
The Cannabis And Tobacco Cessation Advice (CATCA) study aimed to identify the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of stop smoking practitioners when supporting tobacco cessation among smokers who also use cannabis. The research team conducted an online survey and qualitative interviews with stop smoking practitioners and found that only a small percentage of practitioners always/often asked clients about cannabis use and referred them to specialist cannabis services. Practitioners' confidence and having recording systems in place for cannabis use increased the likelihood of intervening. Lack of training, privacy concerns, and impact on therapeutic relationships were identified as potential barriers. This presentation will highlight the need for training and adequate recording systems to facilitate the provision of support for co-users of cannabis and tobacco.
- Martin Lever Tobacco Reduction Programme Manager - Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
- Dr Maria Duaso Senior Lecturer, Care in Long Term Conditions Research Division - Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care, King’s College London