2025 AM Plenary Seminars

8:45 am - 9:00 am

Welcome and Opening Remarks


9:00 am - 9:15 am

Opening Keynote: Empowering practice – connecting the disconnect


9:15 am - 9:30 am

National Policy updates and the Government’s Plan

This will cover key policy announcements and developments in delivering the Government’s ambition for a smoke-free UK, including on the Tobacco and Vapes Bill.


  • Richard Boden Deputy Director Tobacco and Vaping Policy and Legislation - Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, Department of Health and Social Care
9:30 am - 9:45 am

What it will take to end smoking

If we want to become a country where smoking is obsolete across the whole of society it will not be business as usual, it will not be a single piece of legislation, a single programme or a single agency that makes this possible. It requires action at every level across the system with a vast cast of partners who share in the mission. This is the scale of ambition needed to bring an end to the leading cause of preventable illness and the biggest single cause of health inequalities. This presentation will chart what’s needed and how we might achieve it.


9:45 am - 10:00 am

25 years of Stop Smoking Services: What have we learnt, and where next?

Stop Smoking Services have been delivering support to smokers across England since 2000. Over the last 25 years, we have seen over 10 million quit attempts made with expert SSS support, and over 5 million successful 4-week quits. Services remain an integral part of local efforts to reduce the harm from tobacco. However, the number of people using these services has declined sharply over the last decade, and we still see significant variation locally – both in terms of models being adopted, but also the outcomes being achieved


  • Martyn Willmore Head of Preventable Risk Factors - Centre for Excellence in Tobacco Control, Humber and North Yorkshire ICB
10:00 am - 10:15 am

Transforming professional practice: An update on the latest national guidance

Ensuring the latest evidence and best practice is reflected in service delivery is key for maximising impact of stop smoking services nationally. An update on the latest national guidance for Local Stop Smoking Services and tobacco dependence treatment in inpatient acute and mental health trusts and what it means to those leading and delivering stop smoking services.


  • Dr Sophia Papadakis Academic and Health Systems Consultant - National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT)
10:15 am - 10:35 am

Panel Discussion with Q&A



  • Hilary Wareing Director of iPiP - Improving Performance in Practice
  • Hazel Cheeseman Chief Executive - ASH (Action on Smoking & Health)
  • Richard Boden Deputy Director Tobacco and Vaping Policy and Legislation - Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, Department of Health and Social Care
  • Dr Sophia Papadakis Academic and Health Systems Consultant - National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT)
  • Prof Andrew Furber OBE Regional Director of Public Health - North West OHID
  • Martyn Willmore Head of Preventable Risk Factors - Centre for Excellence in Tobacco Control, Humber and North Yorkshire ICB