Rapid Fire Oral – inviting presentations of what services have achieved across the UK to bridge the covid gap within smoking cessation
Chosen delegates will showcase their work and share their learning with peers by presenting no more than 4 slides within a 5 minute time slot. The 5 minute timer count down will start after the speaker/s have been introduced. SCaH delegates will vote for their favourite presentation and a £100 prize will be given for the best ‘Rapid Fire’ oral.
Rapid Fire 1: Smoking, distress and COVID-19 in England: cross-sectional population surveys from 2016 to 2020 by Loren Kock, UCL
Rapid Fire 2: Increased exposure to tobacco smoke for children during the COVID-19 era by Mira Osinibi, Kings College Hospital
Rapid Fire 3: Stop smoking courses at St Vincent's University Hospital Ireland – The experience of the move online by Ailsa Lyons & Grainne Ni Eidhin, St Vincent's University Hospital
Rapid Fire 4: Transition of specialist tobacco dependence services to remote delivery in secure mental health services by Katerina Manginas & Raminta Pinarello, West London NHS
Dr Loren Kock Research Fellow in Behavioural Science and Epidemiology - University College London
Mira Osinibi Paediatric Respiratory Specialist Nurse - Kings College Hospital
Gráinne Ní Eidhin Health Promotion Student, Department of Preventative Medicine and Health Promotion - St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin.
Katerina Manginas Tobacco Dependence Specialist in Mental health - West London NHS