12:10 pm - 12:25 pm

How the first e-cigarette helped Prison Services and Mental Health Trusts in becoming smokefree

This presentation will expand upon the E burns journey in helping Prison services and Mental Health Trusts to become smokefree.

Darren is a former senior officer of His Majesty's Prison Service with 19 years experience. Surprisingly the E burn idea came to him whilst playing a game of poker at a friends house back in late 2014. He knew the prison service needed to introduce a smoke free policy. He watched a friend vape whilst playing poker and realised that was the answer that the prison service needed to solve it's smoke free goals.  For a secure environment the vaping device needed to be disposable and have additional security and safety features.

In addition to the prison service the NHS mental health units also faced similar challenges in achieving their smoke free goals. E burn started to gain a lot of traction in the metal health settings even with Trusts that were initially very cautious of vaping as an alternative to tobacco smoking. E-burn soon became the number one go to solution for over 70 Mental Health Trusts as well as the private sector, because of its safety and security features.
