Rachel Swindells

Tobacco Control Programme Manager
Public Health England
I have worked in Public Health and Tobacco Control since 2009. Initially, working within an acute Trust, I was responsible for the delivery of a Public Health Strategy including responsibility for establishing and managing an Inpatient Stop Smoking Service and leading the implementation of a Smokefree Hospital aligned to NICE guidance PH48. I then went on to join Blackpool Council as a Public Health Practitioner where my portfolio included tobacco control and alcohol harm reduction. I was responsible for implementing Blackpool Council’s Tobacco Control Strategy as well as commissioning a number of Stop Smoking service contracts within primary and secondary care, maternity and community pharmacy. I was also involved in the implementation of a Smokefree Pregnancy pathway across the Fylde Coast and subsequently worked with partners across Lancashire and South Cumbria Local Maternity System to support the development of smokefree pregnancy pathways across the ICS footprint. I am now part of the Public Health England national Tobacco Control Team as the Tobacco Control Programme Manager supporting implementation of the Treating Tobacco Dependence Programme within the NHS Long Term Plan across the North West of England.
Speaker in
- Panel: What’s Cooking in the SCAH kitchen?
16th June 2021 AM 10:55 am - The NHS Long Term Plan: Improving access to tobacco dependence services
16th June 2021 AM 9:40 am
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