Developing effective service models to support vape assisted quits
Time: 2:05 pm - 2:20 pm
Date: 14th September 2023
Theatre: 2023 Track 1
In more than 5 years of working directly with quit services, we have developed several service models. One particular Local Authority has moved from a successful charity funded pilot programme to a full roll-out across their communities, and in that time has used no less than four different service models. The relative strengths and limitations… Read more »
SCAH 2025In more than 5 years of working directly with quit services, we have developed several service models. One particular Local Authority has moved from a successful charity funded pilot programme to a full roll-out across their communities, and in that time has used no less than four different service models. The relative strengths and limitations of the different models are compared, with specific emphasis on their applicability to communities, and across diverse demographics from relatively dense urban populations, to more sparsely populated rural areas. The models used have included Direct Supply, Online Voucher Redemption, In-Store Voucher Redemption, and Service Purchase/Client Receipt. A further challenge was added by launching some of these initiatives during a pandemic, with a need to provide guidance and support for a large number of (sometimes initially skeptical) quit advisors.
Neil Skinner Retail Area Manager Yorkshire and North East - Totally Wicked
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